Yesterday was a buying day, need to replenish our back stock. This is one of those double-edged benefits of owning an antique booth. It's fun to shop, then work to get it ready, exciting when it sells, then it starts all over again. Especially when we've had a few good weeks where many of our furniture items have sold. They leave a hole in the booth that needs to be filled quickly before customers get used to passing by without looking.
At a small estate sale we found an old piano bench that looks promising plus a bookcase, which won't take much work to get it ready. It will be perfect to display the vintage cookbooks and other books I have collected. A few pieces of glassware that add sparkle and some odds and ends that will eventually become part of something else, LOL.
Then on to the annual big antique show, these are more hard-core antique people. It might have been just me but the prices seemed to be higher than usual. Many items were already sold by the time we got there, which wasn't a problem since the prices were way out of our league. I drooled over a booth of genuine Tiffany Lamps. I think this is the first time I've seen so many of the real thing in one place, just exquisite. The prices reflected their value but it was easy to see the quality that made them such an icon. I picked up a couple of vintage hand churns/mixers which will go to the booth this week; a quasi-vintage (not as old as they intimated) coffee works but would need a much bigger grinding cup to make a full pot of coffee. Would be more of a decorative piece I think. A few other small items that are unusual and I hope will sell quickly. No time for pictures yet.
I think the big seller of the day was the old, vintage, wood type-set letters. They went from 1" to over 7" and the price started at $5 each and went up. The owner was working as fast as he could and had to call for more help, people were standing three deep around the table buying letters and numbers. He had some cool displays made up using the letters and I think that added to his success. My coffee cup is empty and I think the paper is here; I do enjoy this quite time to myself on Sunday mornings before the sun comes up and the day begins.
...till next time, jan