Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas is Over

Christmas is over for another year, I just packed the few things I'd had out this year. We've been so busy with the house there wasn't time to do it right so most everything stayed in storage. Our Christmas was quiet but so nice and relaxing. Santa was very good to me this year :)

I love to start a new year so am anxious to get things cleaned up and ready to begin anew next week.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another year older!

I turned another year older yesterday, it was a beautiful sunny day, 72 degrees. We celebrated by buying me a new digital camera -- I'm so in love with it!! I think it's smarter than I am but it's fun to be learning something new. The years go so fast I sometimes feel like I'm caught in space - just spinning - not making any headway. Here's my first attempt at painting "in" the picture - I've not yet learned to edit in the camera though.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Making progress! My dining room is a dining room again! Finally have everything that's going back to the studio - there. Items that will be stored in the garage are in boxes waiting to go out. Lots of empty boxes waiting to rearrange the shelves and cabinets in the garage so I can store my "not used every day but want to keep handy" items :) This will allow me to have more free working room in the studio and I can move things in and out depending on what I'm working on. Sculpting supplies in one area, painting supplies in another and space to store various projects I'm working on. Right now I have a mosaic in progress, a couple of sewing projects and a special memory project for my family. I like keeping things together so when I have some time I can just pull out the bin and everything I need to work is right there. The down side to that is having enough supplies to store several projects :) But at least I know where things are -- ie, I know my alcohol inks are with the spoon books I'm making for Christmas.

Finished a couple birthday gifts and ready to start on Christmas. I still have to finish the living room drapes but I'll try and work on both at the same time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Our wonderful Indian Summer seems to have come to an end. The rain started this afternoon and the temperature is dropping. It was nice though to be able to have the windows and doors open while we were painting. Now comes the fun part of painting a mural on one wall in the bedroom...I'll work on designing it while catching up on other things this next week.

The studio is ready to move back into - but where do I put all the stuff I took out? I want to keep it organized and uncluttered so I can find what I have when I want to use it. It's wonderful always having just that little item you need, but it's often buried under a stack of other little items waiting to be used. I started with fabric, several bins have gone to the attic and books were next. Three boxes to "go", not sure if I want to sell them or just donate them someplace. Another two boxes I'm not ready to get rid of yet that will stay in the garage. Those that I want to keep available on a daily basis have gone back onto the bookshelves, just in another room. My fingers are itching to get back to work, I'm so glad we got everything painted and cleaned but now I want to do something a little more creative.

My sculpting group has thinned out, several moved on to other pursuits. I miss our get-togethers, seeing what everyone is working on and feeling the vibes that come with a group of artists. I have several things scheduled that won't put as much pressure on my right hand, after many years of working in the clay arthritis has become a problem. To give it rest I have other outlets ready, a mosaic to finish, some needlework to frame and some will be made into pillows for gifts. A painting I promised last year, a scrapbook to finish for my granddaughter -- more than enough to keep me busy when it's too cold to be outside. Potted the last of my starts that I'll overwinter in the house so now it's just the cleanup before winter is here.

And, yes, I'm still working on the book (s).

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I don't have any little ones anymore but still enjoy Halloween and all that goes with it. Here's some pictures of my favorite little goblins and big ones too!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall is here

We've had rain, cold and sunshine again, very strange weather this entire year but the sun is shining today. We're still working on the house - sorting as we go along. We move everything out, paint and then before we move it back we go through everything, choosing what to keep, what to give away and wondering why we ever kept "that"? It's such a good feeling but takes so long and seems like we're never going to finish.

I'm doing well, taking the winter off from teaching any classes to get things here in order and make it easier on my family. It's been a year now and I've gotten into the routine and it's become a normal way of life for me. Thanks for all your good thoughts.

The new website has been delayed but I am taking time to enjoy doing some things just for fun and will have new items to show once everything is back to normal. Hope everyone is sculpting, sewing, collaging or whatever make you happy!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

August Already

No matter how good my intentions I can't seem to keep up with more posts. This has been a busy summer, strange weather kept us on our toes. Storm damage the first of the year didn't seem that bad but took forever to get everything repaired -- mainly as there were so many homes in the area that needed work done. The final repairs in the house were done just recently and it's a good feeling to get all the construction & paint out of the house. Now I want to start the redecorating, it's been postponed so many times but most should be done before Christmas. We finally chose a wallpaper for the dining room but had trouble matching paint -- then found out the paper is backordered :) I'll keep the sheer drapes but make new swags and valances for just about every room.

The front part of the house will be completed first - and possibly my studio done while everything is still packed up. At least get it painted a lighter color. The kitchen is next on the list but that's a big job due to all the wallpaper that will have to come down and I don't want to have several rooms torn up at once. I love an elegant, formal look - this is a pretty traditional home - but ended up with more of a formal cottage look. Lots of greenery and colors to bring the outside in....we don't have good natural light in the living room so decided on a lighter version of the original sage color we had settled on. I planned to do the entry in the darker color but there isn't a good stopping place and don't want it in the hallway so not decided yet what I'll do. Thinking I'll use some of the darker elegant papers and fabrics in our bedroom and maybe the den...there are a couple I may just order to use for art projects :)

No classes scheduled -- too much going on in the house this year. My first grandson will be getting married in September. In NY, where he moved to be closer to his girlfriend. It doesn't look like we'll be able to go, it's one of those ... can't get there from here...things. Never thought I'd miss his wedding but then never thought about any of them moving so far away from the rest of the family :) That means rental cars, hotels etc.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Last day of sun for awhile

The daffodils and forsythia look so springtime, yet the Ozarks are famous for strange weather patterns. The snow got the daffodils and we've had several freezes that have bit quite a few of the plants that were up. Beautiful yesterday and today but by tonight the storms will move back in for a week.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is Here!

They are predicting snow again on Saturday but the plants and trees know it's spring. Daffodils, Forsythia and Bradford Pear tree.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New exhibit on Facial Reconstruction

Here is some exciting news for those of you who are interested in Forensic Facial Reconstruction. Below is the information on the exhibit, and a link to a short video.

The Art and Science of Forensic Facial Reconstruction is the new exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Cleveland, Ohio. It investigates the in-depth process of forensic facial reconstruction. You can watch a short video, courtesy of WKYC TV, that will give you a good idea of what you will be learning in this class.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Almost There

When I get the busiest it seems like life has a way of keeping me in line. After spending the summer in web design classes, August in CA visiting our kids and grandkids, numerous flight delays, cancellations and way too much time spent waiting in airports we finally got back home. September and October I thought maybe I'd picked up a virus travelling but in November was diagnosed with kidney disease. Spent the holidays learning how to take care of myself and was feeling pretty good only to come down with some type of flu the end of January.

Now that I'm back on my feet, I'm ready for spring! We've had record warm weather and record cold, typical Missouri. A few snows, which I love and not much ice so all in all not a bad winter. Even though we had a light snow this morning the sun is shining and the plants know it's almost spring. The daffodils are up several inches, many herbs are also up and my hanging garden bells, which started as a 4" pot a couple of years ago have spread to cover and entire area this year. They will be beautiful when in bloom! Is it the times we live in or my age that keep me one step behind all the projects I have started? I'm hoping to get one completed each week this year and get caught up!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our first real snow!

While the worst part of the storm hit a few miles south of us, closer to Branson and below, we did get our share of ice and snow along with some thunder snow the first night. I love this, I watched it as long as there was light and then took a picture after dark.

February 3rd

The days go by so fast and suddenly I remember I haven't posted recently and I see it's already been a few months since I've put up any information.

If you're waiting for the new classes I'll have the information up as soon as I can. A routine checkup in November found a medical problem that needs attention. I'm very pleased with the progress but I want to wait a few more weeks till I post final dates. Always, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me, I'm on-line most every day.