Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Making progress! My dining room is a dining room again! Finally have everything that's going back to the studio - there. Items that will be stored in the garage are in boxes waiting to go out. Lots of empty boxes waiting to rearrange the shelves and cabinets in the garage so I can store my "not used every day but want to keep handy" items :) This will allow me to have more free working room in the studio and I can move things in and out depending on what I'm working on. Sculpting supplies in one area, painting supplies in another and space to store various projects I'm working on. Right now I have a mosaic in progress, a couple of sewing projects and a special memory project for my family. I like keeping things together so when I have some time I can just pull out the bin and everything I need to work is right there. The down side to that is having enough supplies to store several projects :) But at least I know where things are -- ie, I know my alcohol inks are with the spoon books I'm making for Christmas.

Finished a couple birthday gifts and ready to start on Christmas. I still have to finish the living room drapes but I'll try and work on both at the same time.