Saturday, August 28, 2010

End of August

Where does the summer go?  Almost Labor Day and I'm not ready for fall.  The heat wave is over and as it's cooled off the flowers are beginning to bloom again.  Nice to have the roses back, I love to have a vase on my desk as I work - and - work I am!

Two more weeks till the surgeon releases me but I am using my hand more.  I'm not sure how long the stiffness will be there but it's much better, I can actually type again.  Not like normal but not the two-finger hunt and peck style either :)

Which means the book can progress and should be available in stores sometime in October.  The Winter issue of Art Doll Quarterly will be out November 1st. If you are on the list for the first copies you'll be getting an e-mail by the end of September with ordering information.

Thanks again for hanging in there with me and for all the good thoughts you've sent my way.  My husband used to have a sign in his office, Constant Change is here to stay!  That's how I feel sometimes :)  There are so many people involved in producing a book and so many little details I never thought about  - it's been a real education for me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Surgery successful

I had the surgery last month, the stitches came out Monday and everything looks good.  Now it's just waiting for it to heal so I can begin to use it again.  I am still hunt & peck typing with one hand and a couple fingers - so it's very slow.  Thanks to all who have inquired and are still waiting for the book. Things should move quickly now.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Storm Damage

Wow!  A brief, but strong, storm passed through last night and in a matter of minutes this is what was left of our beautiful Red Bud Tree.  It lifted it from the ground and threw it about 10' into our driveway.  Another tree in the front yard was split in two pieces, the same tree that had similar damage from lightening a few years ago.  Took about two years for it to grow enough new branches to hide the damage.  This is on the other side so will be interesting to see how it comes back.

Though there were a few tornado warning out, this was what they call "straight line" damage.  Hurricane force winds that travel in a straight line rather than the swirl that signifys a tornado.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Still Out of Commission

Met with the hand surgeon this morning and he is scheduling surgery.  I anticipate another 4-6 weeks of not being able to use my left hand.  It's been a problem having it splinted but fortunately it isn't my right hand.  It's a set back but could be worse :)  My daughter-in-law will be in in a few weeks and will help me catch up.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun, Funky File Folders

Taking a break from the computer for a bit of relaxing creativeness.  These are fast and easy to make, especially if you use decorative folders.  The one on the left is made from a sturdy brown folder and the brown check is made from two decorative folders.  If you'd like instructions to make these, just send me an e-mail to

Have to admit, it took a couple of days to figure out how to load images to this new blogger :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A creative bit

A couple of fun, funky, file folders. 

Yes, Summer is Here!

I don't need a calendar, we skipped right to August weather. The lawn, plants, animals and me are all feeling stressed.  Though we don't have extremely high temps here in MO the humidity makes up for it.  I could say I'm feeling it more as I get older but I know the summers have been getting hotter.  The day I got married it was 105 degrees,the hottest day of the year in CA in 1959.  With no a/c the candles drooped in the candelabras :)  When we left CA in 1996 114 wasn't unusual and when we were visiting in August of '08, 112 felt like we had driven into Hades.  Today we stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter and if I had to make a choice, I'd still choose summer.  I don't like to be cold.

The sunlight and warmth energizes me and makes me lazy at the same time.  I want to be outside working in the yard and at the same time want to be inside working in the clay and being creative in some way.  I have to admit though, I've been lax at both lately.  A health problem has taken my energy and created a few problems resulting in unexpected delays. I realize how fortunate I am to be living in this time and have wonderful doctors - yet I get frustrated that I can no longer do everything I plan on doing.  But this too shall pass and I look forward to being active again soon.  Thanks to everyone who has sent good wishes, they do help.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Spring is almost over

Days - weeks - months!  Time is flying by.  Spring goes so fast, there is so much to do in such a short time.  One of my first items is to check the garden. Which perennials are coming up and which ones need to be thinned or moved.  Any bare spots?  Make plans to fill them in.  I always like to do a major spring cleaning, though I'm a little behind this year.

Only a few days till summer is officially here and a whole new list of things to be done.  Projects waiting to be finished, new ones to be started, it's always so exciting to have these long summer days to work.  I love the light that comes into my studio, always energizes me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cover of the New Book

Available for purchase soon.  Check here or on-line.
Mother's Day has come and gone!  It will be Father's Day soon.  I'm hoping to surprise my husband with a special gift but not sure yet if it will work out as it involves some travel.

Still finishing up the details for the book, just a dot here and a dash there but it takes time.  I'll post a photo of the cover.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Facial Reconstruction for Artists -- THE BOOK!

Yes, finally!!  Publication date is getting closer and even though I'm tired it's an exciting process.  Realized exactly how much I didn't know about writing a book - it always looked easier :) Watch for the ads in Art Doll Quarterly and CDC, autographed copies will be available on the website and you can order it on-line. This is a self-instructional guide, similar to the class but you can work on it when you have the time and take as long as you need.  I've taken all new pictures and spent time on the drawings. Large 8.5 x 11" format.  If you have any questions, just let me know. I've had a question about the content, this is not a class to teach you forensic facial reconstruction but how to use some of the techniques of facial reconstruction to improve your own work. You can utilize the information in the book to improve your own sculpting - or it's also good material for anyone who draws and paints as the information on the skull, muscles and tissue depths is a good foundation for any type of art.

A beautiful Easter

Couldn't have been a nicer day to celebrate such a wonderous occasion.  Church in the morning then a bar-b-que in the afternoon with my sister and her family.  After things being turned upside down for so long it was wonderful to just relax, enjoy the day and not have to worry about anything :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

A New Month!

March is here and it will be a busy month.  A birthday and anniversary in the first week then some studio time to catch up and photograph work that has been "lingering" on the table :)  New photos soon to come.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The garden in winter; my deer has stood guard over my garden for many, many years.  Even though there is still a lot of snow, the Thyme is still growing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year!

I've always loved new beginnings and get excited about starting something new.  The first day of school; the first day of summer vacation; the first really brisk fall day; beginning a new art project and of course, the start of a new year.

I don't make formal resolutions but I do spend some time thinking about last year and what I'd like to do different this year.  More time to concentrate on my art is right at the top.  Often day-to-day life takes over and I get tired, frustrated and lose my momentum.  I'm one of those people who need large blocks of quiet time to work and it seeems like every year I have less of it.  So one plan is to have some smaller projects that are easily completed and keep my muse alive while I work on long range projects.  If you've found something that works for you, share it with me.

I've come to terms with my kidney problems; learned what I need to do, what not to do and am able to move on.  It's taken awhile, but I think I'm there :)

I really believe this year will be the best one yet, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better and sharing more of our work!

A little of our New Year's snow, a real treat for me being a California girl.