Monday, July 30, 2007

New Sculpt

Here are a few pictures of the new sculpt I'm working on, it's a lifesize, portrait bust.
You can see where I've added clay to reach the desired dimensions and placed dowels to mark where the ears will be.
Wooden blocks are used to firm and shape the clay mass. You want to get all the air pockets out of the clay as it will be fired. A profile view, here I'm using quarters to guage the depth of the eyeball.

A disadvantage of taking pictures in progress is I have to keep wiping the camera off :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday July 24th

I know I keep saying it but time is going so fast this year! Busier than I've been in years. Still working with the Forensic Reconstruction and will be doing more in a few weeks. Writing lessons for an on-line class on using techniques from forensic sculptors to make your sculptures more realistic. Teaching on-line will be a first for me. I've always enjoy teaching but the time involved in weekly classes got to be too much. Weekend workshops are so nice as you can concentrate for hours at a time and I think the students really learn more with no other distractions. That said, I am teaching again though not a regular weekly class. We meet about every other week for several hours.

Have a few other items going also, all dealing with sculpture and/or art in general. What a good feeling to be able to concentrate on art again! No pictures to post today though I have taken several -- just need to get them onto the computer.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

New Projects

Getting back in the groove. Got a head armature ready to start the new life-size bust of my granddaughter...last one was 1992, she was 9yrs old. Also started another item with wet clay, not sure what it's going to be but am starting with the feet up this time and thinking I'll end it at the waist...maybe a vase? Got the first foot and lower leg done today and am letting it firm up overnight, will do the second leg tomorrow. About 8" tall I think. Still don't have my kilns wired but hopefully we'll find time this month. These will have to dry good so time isn't a problem.