Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stargazer Lilies, Queen of the lilies

My Stargazer lilies are in full bloom right now.  This is the 3rd year for this plant and the blooms are quite large with a vibrant color.  I have a number of lilies planted around the gardens, they do well in our climate, including a beautiful burgundy oriental.  The Casablanca and Stargazer are among some of the last to bloom but well worth the wait.  We moved the Casablanca last year to a location where we could support it as it grew to over 6' tall, but I don't think it likes the new location.  It's only producing a few blooms and not growing much.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Daily Challenge

I recently read about a challenge to draw an hour a day for 3 months. At the end of that time you'd have almost 100 drawings and your skills would have improved without really trying. Although I love to draw, right now my challenge is trying to find time to work on my china painting. So a few weeks ago I decided to give myself a challenge to paint at least an hour a day. I'm finding it so rewarding! Knowing I have committed this time, just for painting, has allowed me to experiment with new products, new techniques, and the pieces are adding up.Can't say there are any masterpieces, in fact I probably won't ever show anyone most of what I'm doing, but I'm painting and having fun.

till next time, Jan

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yes! I'm posting again

I get so involved in my day-to-day activities, I forget to post to the blog, then when I remember it's not the right time.  I have good intentions and promise to do better.  I have so many things to share with you and lots of beautiful things to make. 

Here's a  look at one of my current projects, porcelain free forms.  What do you think?  My personal favorite  is the heart in the lower right corner.  The cat is a surprise for my granddaughter's birthday this month (hope she isn't reading this).  I poured about twice this many but this was all that made it through the bisque and glaze firings.  They are so delicate - and I always try to do one more thing with it before I fire it - that's when it finally develops a little crack.  I used to try and repair those but these days I chalk it up to experience.  You can pour a new one in the time it takes to make a repair that may or may not hold in the kiln.

I'm using a new porcelain to make these and have to reserve judgement till I have more done.  Those gallons are heavy so the shipping costs more than the porcelain.  I've found a new supplier who has a shipping special for two gallons so ordered some then ended up buying a lot more - I love to try new items :)