Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yes! I'm posting again

I get so involved in my day-to-day activities, I forget to post to the blog, then when I remember it's not the right time.  I have good intentions and promise to do better.  I have so many things to share with you and lots of beautiful things to make. 

Here's a  look at one of my current projects, porcelain free forms.  What do you think?  My personal favorite  is the heart in the lower right corner.  The cat is a surprise for my granddaughter's birthday this month (hope she isn't reading this).  I poured about twice this many but this was all that made it through the bisque and glaze firings.  They are so delicate - and I always try to do one more thing with it before I fire it - that's when it finally develops a little crack.  I used to try and repair those but these days I chalk it up to experience.  You can pour a new one in the time it takes to make a repair that may or may not hold in the kiln.

I'm using a new porcelain to make these and have to reserve judgement till I have more done.  Those gallons are heavy so the shipping costs more than the porcelain.  I've found a new supplier who has a shipping special for two gallons so ordered some then ended up buying a lot more - I love to try new items :)