Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Our wonderful Indian Summer seems to have come to an end. The rain started this afternoon and the temperature is dropping. It was nice though to be able to have the windows and doors open while we were painting. Now comes the fun part of painting a mural on one wall in the bedroom...I'll work on designing it while catching up on other things this next week.

The studio is ready to move back into - but where do I put all the stuff I took out? I want to keep it organized and uncluttered so I can find what I have when I want to use it. It's wonderful always having just that little item you need, but it's often buried under a stack of other little items waiting to be used. I started with fabric, several bins have gone to the attic and books were next. Three boxes to "go", not sure if I want to sell them or just donate them someplace. Another two boxes I'm not ready to get rid of yet that will stay in the garage. Those that I want to keep available on a daily basis have gone back onto the bookshelves, just in another room. My fingers are itching to get back to work, I'm so glad we got everything painted and cleaned but now I want to do something a little more creative.

My sculpting group has thinned out, several moved on to other pursuits. I miss our get-togethers, seeing what everyone is working on and feeling the vibes that come with a group of artists. I have several things scheduled that won't put as much pressure on my right hand, after many years of working in the clay arthritis has become a problem. To give it rest I have other outlets ready, a mosaic to finish, some needlework to frame and some will be made into pillows for gifts. A painting I promised last year, a scrapbook to finish for my granddaughter -- more than enough to keep me busy when it's too cold to be outside. Potted the last of my starts that I'll overwinter in the house so now it's just the cleanup before winter is here.

And, yes, I'm still working on the book (s).