Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Other Antique Booth

Our second booth is set up for a different type of vintage and antique items.  A few items that are there right now are an old wooden school desk, a vintage doll was called a baby cradle but I can't imagine even 70 years ago they would lay a baby in it with such low sides.  We had found a 1949 copy of the Black Beauty book and arranged it with some other vintage horse items we have, and have more to bring in this week.  The old screen door that we have used for display will go on sale this week when we bring in the old armoire.  The rocker will return home next week to get a coat of paint, along with one or two of the little tables.  I need to let them sit a few weeks before deciding they need a little something.  I love painted furniture but I know others prefer the look of the original wood.  The 1914 Bentwood Chairs, that are in the other booth, are one thing I can't bring myself to paint.  It feels like that would destroy the history and no way would I paint over the original label and makers mark that are burned into the bottom.

Last week we found this old handmade shoe shine box, complete with brushes and shoe lasts.  I love to come across these things and always wonder about the story behind them.  

...till next time, Jan

Pictures, as promised

I promised you some new pictures of our antique booths.  The first one is a closeup of the new (old) sideboard we just finished re-doing.  I can't say restored because it was in such bad shape it would have been too much work to try and restore it.  But that said, it turned out pretty darned good and no one would believe a week ago the oak was dried out and bleached, the door was falling off, a couple of the drawers were broken, the glass was cracked and a whole colony of spiders and wasps had taken up residence.  It had been sitting in an old barn for who knows how long so spiders and wasps were probably not the only visitors.
I will readily admit it was a lot of hard work.  That old thing soaked up wood restorer faster than I could apply it.  Once it had absorbed all it would I began polishing, blending color, more polish, more wax and buff till my arm was sore then buff some more.  If fact, I was so pleased with it I couldn't help running a polish cloth over it every time I passed by.  Once I had done as much as I could my husband stepped in and made new supports for the door and put it back on, did whatever the drawers needed to open and close smoothly, repaired a piece that had broken off a leg and straightened the other leg that had gotten bent.  Despite being oak, it isn't as heavy as it looks and a plus is that it has casters.  They don't roll too great but do make it easier than lifting and pushing.
The top drawer was originally for silverware but I removed the old felt and put in new black felt...cheated a little by using the peel and stick variety.  I was afraid black velvet would attract too much dust.  I plan to store jewelry in this drawer and leave it open a bit.  The inside has one shelf and I've not decided if I want to put quilts or tablecloths in there - nor have I quite decided what to put in the deep bottom drawer.  
We put in a different lamp and I have an old Victorian shade that will go perfectly, however, it's made for a different style so either the lamp or the shade needs a little work to fit properly.  So, do you agree with me this was a great find?  I haven't priced and tagged it yet, I want to enjoy it a few days before I put it up for sale :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

We're constantly on the move right now, either buying for the antique booth, refinishing things we bought and/or spending time working in the booth.  As things sell, new items need to be brought in and the merchandise rearranged often, and speaking of selling, the first pumpkin to sell was the burlap with the burlap bow - which was my favorite.  I'm not sure I'll ever get over that feeling of selling something I really like -- even though I make them to sell, LOL.  I have several new ones to take out today, different ones so not sure I have a favorite among them.  Maybe the purple velvet with pearls, the teal velvet still needs a little bling, but I also like the big one made from upholstery fabric in gold, brown and greens.  Very fall looking.

Along with antiques, we are trying to stay up on our house and gardens.  The unusual weather pattern we've had this year is continuing to do everything except what's normal.  Consequently, we've had to adjust our routine.  After an unusually cool summer, it turned hot just long enough for a few tomatoes to ripen --- along with fleas.  No fleas all year and now when they should be going away they pop up.  With all these animals we have to stay on top of them, inside as well because several of the cats are strictly inside kitties. 

My big news is I finally found the perfect piece to use for display in the booth.  It's an old sideboard, and I do mean old.  Had been left in a barn for who knows how long and needed a lot of work!  But, it's finally done and ready to take out today.  We're both so pleased with husband who voiced his concern early and often is my biggest supporter and now he loves it. It's so satisfying to take something that is falling apart, dried out, full of wasps nests and spiders....see the potential in it and bring it out.  The hitchhikers are gone, the wood gleams, the mirror shines, the drawers are lined with rose scented liner and for the little pieces that couldn't be repaired - my husband made new ones.  I think secretly he wishes we were going to keep it in our own home.  It wasn't easy work, for days I couldn't get the wax and stains off my hands and pretty nails are a thing of the past.  Muscles ached, my hands hurt from all the cleaners I had to use before I even started on the restoration.  But today she will move to her new home.  Yes, she.  Only a female could start out like that and end up looking gorgeous LOL. Pictures will follow once it's in place.
                                                                                                                        ...till next time, jan


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Getting closer....

Spent several hours this afternoon getting all the china and glassware I bought at an estate sale, priced and  on display in the booth.  I'm always so worried something valuable will get broken.  But it's been sitting here in a box, doing no one any good.  Almost every piece is labelled with who owned it, grandmothers, great grandmothers -- some are dated and almost 100 years old. A couple I couldn't part with have found a home in my own china cabinet - in fact I may bring home one more, LOL.  I have a terrible time pricing these...part of the value, for me, is in the history.

I finally got pictures of the booth up - then I changed it today - and forgot to take some new pictures.  But here's a picture of my pumpkins I'm making...I really like them so hope they sell.  This is my favorite to date, love the lace with burlap.  But -- the turquoise velvet may be a runner-up, hmmm or the burgundy  velvet, LOL, I'll post pictures when they're ready to go.
Here's a few of my squishy pumpkins along with Sophie.  Not sure if she is guarding them or just likes to curl up with them, but anyplace I put them, within minutes you'll find Sophie.

......till next time, jan

Ta-Da, Pictures of the New Booths

Here they are as of yesterday....this booth is 11' x 4' deep, tall walls and lots of light.  We call it our vintage booth - or Hal's booth :)  I had already taken the big wreath off the screen door when I took this.  It was all natural, most of it from my own yard and drew a lot of compliments but wasn't made for so much handling. There were more hydrangea petals on the floor than were left on the wreath, and just like home I have to sweep and vacuum.  I did pick up another wreath last night because the bright fall colors looked so pretty but this one is silk rather than dried, and the leaves and decorations are glued on, LOL.  I'll start doing some fall decorations this afternoon.

And below,  my booth or the softer side :)  This one I'm having problems with, can't seem to get the look I was going for. It's 10' wide and 8' deep, and presents a challenge to bring customers into the booth to see everything is for sell. I still have all the good china and crystal to bring in, that will liven up the shelves.  The rocker and tables are destined to be painted when I have a little time but better waiting in the booth than the garage.  I'll keep working on it till it clicks.  Maybe a new carpet?  Wall coverings? We're limited to one lamp for lighting - mine is on the roll-top desk at the back - so I'm still looking for ideas to bring light and color in. I'm also pondering the top shelf. It's a little too high for customers to reach; but leaving it just for displays is wasted space.  I might put the best pieces up there with tags on the front of the shelf where they can be seen.  Any thoughts??  I have greenery up there right now so it doesn't look so bare.

and the other wall

 I made up a little tool box to take when we go to work in the booth, but forgot to take it yesterday so couldn't do much other than move things around.  Will start the Fall/Halloween decorating this afternoon but not sure what I'm going to use here.  I can't see old branches, spider webs (and a big black spider) in with the baby clothes.  Even the burlap runner with fall leaves glued on doesn't seem to fit in.  I do have sheer black fabric with black velvet spiders on it that I use to drape the mirrors at home, on Halloween, maybe that would work here.
I really wanted a Ladies Look, a place for my antique linens, baby things, old quilts, pillows, china, crystal  etc.  I love the thought that in another time a woman treasured this beautiful crystal, maybe bringing it out for Sunday dinners, being oh so careful not to chip it, so it could be handed down to her daughter and the next generation, for almost 100 years.  These things have so much appeal and meaning to me; I thought surely there would be other women looking for these treasures.  Maybe I need to bring in more miscellaneous vintage items :)
                                                                ...till next time, jan

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Second Chapter!

We have so enjoyed our small antique booth at Wildwood Antiques we decided to expand and don't you know, when a larger one came open - so did a second one we were interested in.  Sounded like a good idea to have two booths so we could have two different themes -- but can we make the rent on two?  Much less a profit?  Feast or Famine? We'll see, we just paid the first months rent on two larger booths and have spent the long Labor Day weekend, laboring!!

First day we had to move the items from our smaller both to one of the larger ones.  Easy and exciting.  Second day we had to bring more of our stock from home and begin decorating the booths.  Started raining as we loaded the truck - can you believe it?  Not a drop of rain in a month and it chose this morning to break the drought. Should have been an omen to go back to bed and cover our head.  This  wasn't so easy.  We're Hot, Sweaty - the air isn't working right - nothing seemed to go right.  We broke one of my prize finds.....$$$ down the drain.  The ideas I had in my head didn't work in reality.  Finally went home to get some rest.

Third day I brought in a ton of fabrics and other items to see if something would spark an idea. Again, nothing worked, including the air conditioning.  To hot and sweaty you can add tired and frustrated!  Had a large, heavy picture with ornate frame, took extra care to hang a strong wire......finished everything, hung it up and in less that 5 minutes it came crashing down.  The wire held fine but the weight of the picture caused the hook to separate. Yes, it broke. My second expensive find down the drain.  It can be repaired but has lost the value.  Dropped a Blue Willow plate and broke it....and so went the day.  After 4 hours I said no more.  Load up everything we hadn't used - or broken - and go for pizza then some well earned rest.

I'm taking a break today - at least from the booth.  I got several items ready to go, repaired a couple and will mark the price down on those.  After breakfast I think I'll go shopping, pick up some of the little things you don't know you need till you need them.  Like some track lighting since the location of this booth is a little darker.  Forgot to take pictures last night but will probably go out tomorrow and see if I can finish the decorating and arranging the new pieces.

I admit to being MIA the last few months......

...but I do have a good reason.  As you know, our new antique booth has been taking up most of our free time the last few months and some of our not-so-free time too.  This is a fun business but definitely a business so you have to work at it.  It's so exciting to come in and find you've sold several pieces - till you stop to think what you still have in storage to replace it - or, make plans to get out and find replacements.  The thrill of the hunt is still there, this old lady just gets tired!