Friday, November 22, 2013

Some of my favorite blogs

I think I have been remiss in not sharing with you some of the blogs I follow myself.  A year ago I loved to read blogs but when I was so sick in the spring I couldn't keep up with my e-mail and cancelled everything.  Now I read as many as I have time for, and have begun adding to my blog list.  I'll add a few as I go along.  If you don't already read these I think you'll like them.  I will say, however, I've become a fan of Pinterest.  It's interesting, seems never-ending and I can check in as often or as little as I have time for.  I spend a little time almost every day checking it out even though I'm still not sure how it operates.  I'm almost embarrassed to admit that since when it started I couldn't imagine why anyone would do it :)

But I will confess, I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer.  Remember video tape rentals?  I really laughed at that one, who would pay to "rent" a video?  Another big flub was Paypal.  Who needed a PayPal?  And cell phones…who wanted people to be able to call anytime?  How wonderful hindsight is, LOL.
                                                                              …till next time, jan