Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Changing Hats

You all know how much I love to work with clay, and my passion for facial reconstruction but what you may not know is I have the same passion for fabric.  The women in my family all do beautiful needlework, my grandmother won first place in the Texas State Fair.  I'm of an age when little girls learned to sew and do needlework.  It stood me in good stead over the years, I've used it much more than the other skills I learned during those years, like how to throw a spiral football pass :)

I'm putting together a new website that will have room for all my work.  I love antique linens and enjoy using them to create something new.  Working with fabric is very calming for me, there is something about the feel of the fabric, laces and ribbons that just feels good.  I'll still work in clay and on reconstructions, the next book is already started and will be out later this year.

I was reading over the comments from the past few months, and I'd love to have you all over for a cup of tea and just visit.  We have a lot in common.  My herbs will be coming up very soon now, the roses are pruned and we plan to plant several new ones this year.  I love the old ones, they have a wonderful fragrance.  In fact, I have a bowl of rose pot-pourri on the coffee table and occasionally I catch the scent as I sit here working.

Now that I have more free time, I'd love to hear from all of you.  What you've been doing and what you're working on..