Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Morning

........and I'm still working on the computer  :)  My old computer crashed August 28th and in the last few weeks I've done nothing but worry with computers.  It might be easier to go through the files I had pulled from the hard drive but I didn't want to clutter my little macbook with years and years of old files.  I had lots of backup but not sure the files for the old website are on there.  I thought it would be easy to start over fresh and have a new look along with the other changes in my life.   I am definitely going to get into the studio this week and finish some new items so more interesting things coming soon!  The days are so perfect right now, just cool enough to be outside and enjoy the changing of the leaves.  I'm always amazed at how fast that happens.  I'm dog-sitting this weekend and she loves to go for walks.