I love books, everything about them. Curling up with your Nook or Ipad just isn't the same as curling up with a good book. They are wonderful to have - and I'm always lusting for the latest electronic gadget on the market myself - but when I have time to sit and relax, I reach for a book.
Over many years of accumulating books there comes a point where you have to make a decision on which ones to keep and which ones to move on to a new home. I'm making those hard decisions today. When we had new carpet installed we had to remove everything from the house, and what better time to reorganize the bookshelves. I've always had my books organized by subject - more or less - so I could find one quickly. But I know there are some I haven't looked at in ages - nothing wrong with them - just not ones I use much anymore. As new techniques come out, there are new books written and more and more several new books on a popular subject will come out at the same time. Those of you who know me, know I prefer to do many things in the time-honored traditions (read old fashioned). I still like to do handwork instead of using the sewing machine or knitting machine. Just because there is a machine to do it faster and easier, I don't believe it's always the best way. So, some of these old books are back on the bottom shelf just because they are like old friends. Some will be stored in the attic and others donated to the local library. I like having room on the shelves to add a picture or plant but most of all, I like having all my books back in the house and out of the boxes.