Fall is always a busy season in the garden but the warm weather and rain are keeping theplants going. This Pineapple Sage is in full bloom it actually looks like the front, bright red, the sun is on the back. Always a beautiful sight here in late summer when things start winding down.
One of the small pocket gardens off the patio in the area I call the Forest Garden :) It's a fairly small area off the patio enclosed by a privacy fence. Impatiens, Angelina are still blooming andthe vine at the back. I'll have to look up the name again. It was just a little plant but has grown so big and the leaves are varigated colors of green, cream and a dark pink. I tried to start it in water this summer with no luck so want to cut it back hard and pot it up - try and overwinter it inside along with the Island Spice Rosemary.
The Toad Lilies have really spread this year and were in full bloom a little earlier. Still have quite a few blooms...I like to see these little blooms in and around all the greenery.