Monday, September 17, 2012

My continuing computer woes!

When last we talked my desktop workhorse had kicked up it's heels and died.  So off to Best Buy to get a new one.  Oooh, those new Macbooks are nice but come with a high price tag.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.  Finally settled on a Toshiba laptop, larger than my Macbook but smaller than the desktop.   Two weeks later it gave me a fatal error and quit working.

Best Buy graciously replaced it with a new one - but - I did not like Windows 7 and definitely didn't  like the short battery life!  The 10hr battery in my little Macbook has spoiled me!  Used it for another two weeks to be sure it wasn't just a matter of getting accustomed to the change, but I had so many problems I returned it to the store.  Since I don't work on the computer as much these days I decided to just work with my little macbook for the time being.  I did buy an adapter so I could use my large monitor so was good to go.  Now I had to deal with the fact that all my older programs are windows.  That required some juggling but I'm adapting to that too.